二、 发表的代表性论文 1. Zhiwei Lv, Jiahui Hu, Junfeng Zheng, XuanZhang, Lianjun Wang. Antifouling and high flux sulfonated ployamide thin-film composite membrane for nanofiltration, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 1016, 55:4726~4733.(SCI二区) 2. Zhiwei Lv, Jiahui Hu, Xuan Zhang, Lianjun Wang. Enhanced surface hydrophilicity of thin-film composite membranes for nanofiltration: an experimental and DFT study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17:24201~24209. (SCI二区) 3. Meng Li, Zhiwei Lv, Junfeng Zheng, Jiahui Hu, Chao Jiang, Mistsuru Ueda, Xuan Zhang, Lianjun Wang. Positively charged nanofiltration membrane with dendritic surface for toxic element removal, ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2017,5: 784-792.(SCI二区) 4. Jiahui Hu, Zhiwei Lv, Yunzhi Xu, Xuan Zhang, Lianjun Wang. Fabrication of high flux sulfonated polyamide nanofiltration membrane: Experimental and dissipative particle dynamics studies [J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 505:119~129.(SCI一区) 5. 一种COFs复合纳滤膜及其制备方法,已授权发明专利。 |
三、主要科研成果 [1] 河北工程大学博士专项基金:聚酰胺复合纳滤膜原位表面修饰制备及性能研究,主持,已结题。 [2] 可以吸附低浓度放射性碘的凹土基复合微球的构筑与作用机制,江苏省凹土资源利用重点实验室开放课题,主持,已结题。 [3] 单价选择性离子交换膜的制备及其应用研究,河北省重点研发项目,参与。 [4] 侧链嵌段型聚苯醚类质子交换膜的分子设计、构效关系及电化学性能研究,国家自然科学基金,参与。 |